How Well Do Upholstery Protectors Work?

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How Well Do Upholstery Protectors Work?

How Well Do Upholstery Protectors Work?

As long as upholstery exists, dirt accumulation and stains are pretty much inevitable. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was something you could do to protect your furniture from all the nastiness? Something so simple that all you had to do is apply and go your merry way without having to worry about your couch embarrassing you. 

Well, that is exactly what upholstery protectors promise to offer. But what exactly are these products and how do they work? And most importantly do they actually deliver on the grand promises to keep your couch perpetually clean? Let’s take a closer look and figure this out. 

What are upholstery protectors?

By definition, an upholstery protection product is anything you place on furniture fabric to minimize or completely prevent it from getting dirty. These come in all forms from chemical formulations to good old fashioned covers. 

The chemical products like scotch guard and other stain-resistant formulations are meant to prevent liquid stains from seeping into the fabric and leaving lasting stains. They work by seeping into the fabric pores and taking up the space that would otherwise have been taken up by the pigment particles in stains. However, they do not do much to prevent other forms of stains like dirt and dander accumulation on the fabric. 

Another option you may have is to invest in upholstery covers. These come in all forms from nylon covers to cloth sheets. For the most part, they are handy when you are dealing with furniture that is left unused for long periods of time. It would be an ideal option for that couch in your rarely used guest room. However, it is not very practical for everyday-use furniture.

Another more common option is investing in upholstery that already has the protection products woven into the actual fabric. This is common with synthetic fibre options that are particularly resistant to liquid stains. And if they do get stained they wash off very easily. 

Tips when dealing with upholstery protectors


  • Understand the fabric you are working with


Not all fabrics are made equal when it comes to upholstery. Some stain more easily while others have a high stain resistance. Some may react to chemicals in the protectors while others do not. 

Understanding all this and more about your fabric will allow you to make the very best decision on which protector to use and how to use it. That way, you do not ruin your delicate cushion covers with sprays or invest in protecting a couch that pretty much has its own back covered. 


  • Consider how often the furniture is used


This is another important factor when it comes to determining which method to use. As earlier alluded to, furniture that is rarely used would benefit from non-drastic protection measures like the use of sheet covers. However, if you have something that is more commonly used like a living room couch then you may want to consider options like chemical protector formulations. This is because they do not interfere with the furniture’s functionality while still offering their protection.


  • Consult an expert before doing anything major


You will do all the research you want and this is very important. However, nothing can compare to the value of expert advice. So before you start spraying or laying that protective film, give a qualified professional a quick call. 

They will offer you advice on what your upholstery fabric needs and what would work for you. In fact, it is best to just let them handle all the protection including application as they understand best what needs to be done. 


  • Do not overdo it with the chemical formulations


Yes; there is something like too much protection. If you get a little trigger happy with that fabric protection spray you may end up causing more harm than good. This takes us back to the importance of understanding the fabric that you are using. 

Even when the fabric is unlikely to react with the chemical protector, the liquid may end up attracting dirt and leaving the very stains you were working so hard to avoid. Therefore, if all things add up and you choose to go with sprays and liquid formulations then make sure to apply with moderation. 


  • Remember to still schedule a regular professional cleaning


Finally, it is important to ensure that you maintain your regular professional cleaning schedule. The upholstery protectors can only do so much for you. And while they are great for preventing or minimizing the intensity of the stain, they are not an alternative to regular deep cleaning. So you will still have to call your upholstery cleaning crew every 4 to 6 months give or take in order to keep your furniture looking, feeling and smelling great. 

Get professionals to handle it for you

When it is finally time to get your couch cleaned, the best people to handle the job are professional upholstery cleaning crews. You might be tempted to pull a do it yourself stunt and get your hands dirty; literally and figuratively. You might even feel completely ready after a DIY cleaning tutorial or two. 

However, so much could and most likely will go wrong if you choose to take this route. You could end up damaging the fabric, wrecking the rented equipment or even injuring yourself. So leave it to expert hands. 

They have the technical skills and experience needed to ensure that you have your couch nice and clean in no time. And if you are worried about the price don’t be. With the right crew, you can get high quality and reliable services without having to dent your bank account. 

Bottom line

In a nutshell, it is safe to say that upholstery protectors are not an absolute sham. They do offer some protection for your furniture to some extent. The most important thing to remember is that they cannot in any way replace regular professional cleaning. So make sure to keep an eye out for the perfect crew to work with. That way when you do invest in protectors you are using them to protect a couch that is actually clean. 

How Well Do Upholstery Protectors Work?

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