Get Your Sofas Ready For The Holidays

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Get Your Sofas Ready For The Holidays

Get Your Sofas Ready For The Holidays

When it’s time to relax and unwind with family, you want the environment to be conducive. It can be frustrating when your family members keep coughing and sneezing due to the allergens that are in the sofa, or complaining of odours that are reeking up the residence. The contaminants and allergens that are in the furnishings are a threat to the health of your family members, especially since there will be more people in the house over the holidays. What kind of environment do you want for your kids and significant other? Definitely, not one where they are exposed to pathogens and triggers of allergic reactions. These substances, ranging from pet dander, dust mite waste, to the soiling that pets bring with them from the outdoors and hop onto the chairs, need to be got rid of. With the busy nature of activities over the months leading up to the holidays, the sofa cleaning may have taken a back burner, leading to a large concentration of these substances in your unit. The routine vacuuming, while important, still left behind grime within the upholstery, and all this needs to be got rid of. That’s where an in-depth sofa cleaning comes in. Let’s look at how it benefits you, especially when you have it done by the professionals. 


  • Enhance the ambience of your home


You want your guests to appreciate your décor. That occasional compliment from your friends and family about the lovely state of the residence can warm up any homeowner’s heart. On the other hand, if the furnishings are all soiled and stained, up, then there will be plenty of embarrassing questions to answer whenever you have company over. The last thing you want to see is your guests cringing up their noses in your home, because of pervasive odours that are making them uncomfortable. 

Dirty sofas emit odours of whatever organic gunk is decomposing within them, as well as the spills that wound up in the upholstery. Those food crumbs, the faecal residue of insects and dust mites, urine stains, sweat and body oil that got rubbed on the upholstery – it all contributes to those musky smells that assault you whenever you want to rest on the cushions. When guests are coming over you can find yourself in an awkward situation, trying to explain the source of the odours. Occasionally you may be able to cover up the smells by spraying an air freshener, but this only offers temporary reprieve. The odours will recur, reducing the quality of the indoor air space. 

A deep sofa cleaning that flushes out the source of the odours from your furniture is needed. This involves breaking down the heavy build-ups of grime and dissolving those stains, then extracting the contents for the sofa. Odour neutralisers are also used in the process. These products are developed to react with the molecules of the odour at a molecular level, making them inert. This combination of cleaning action and odour neutralisers deals summarily with the problem, so you won’t have to worry about those pesky odours recurring. 


  • Safe cleaning methods


This is two part: the safety of the family members, and that of the sofa. For the family members, focus is on the type of chemical formulations are that are used. Products that release toxins into the indoor airspace will be a threat to your family. In cases where potent solutions are required, like when very stubborn stains are being dealt with, you don’t want a scenario where there is residue remaining in the furnishings, especially since the kids will be bound to touch these surfaces and put their hands on their faces and in their mouths. For the sofa, emphasis is on using products and systems that will be compatible with the particular material being worked on. From the upholstery to the sofa arm and legs, you want to ensure that the products that are used to give them a thorough wash will not end up corroding them in the process, or causing stains.

When you turn to a professional sofa cleaning company, you get to ensure that the appropriate methods will be used for dealing with your sofa. The longer that a company has been providing the services, the more skilled their personnel are. Going through their reviews and testimonials on areas like their social media pages and business directory listings will show what kinds of service you can expect from the firm. Also be sure to ask about the particular products and processes that will be used while they work on your sofa, in order to be well-versed with the job from the word go. 


  • Give your furniture a longer life


Sofas are a core part of living spaces. They are the most popular sets of furniture, with every family member hopping on them at one point or another. Those luxurious cushions that allow you to kick back and relax, the elegant upholstery that accentuates the interior décor – they all come together to make these pieces of furniture critical to the home. No doubt you invested heavily in getting the right sets that match your taste and style. You don’t want hours spent poring through images online, the energy taken to go from one store to the next to pick out the right sofa, and the amount of money it cost to bring it home with you, to go down the drain because of rapid deterioration caused by poor maintenance. 



Holidays are meant for relaxing, and you can’t do that when you have a stack of chores that are demanding your attention. Worse still, some tasks like sofa cleaning are labour intensive, and will require loads of time and effort if you decide to take them on as a DIY project. Simply outsource this to the professionals, and free up your time to engage in activities that you actually enjoy. After all, that’s what holidays are for. Hang out with your family, visit your friends, get back to your hobby – and leave the sofa cleaning to the pros. 

Get Your Sofas Ready For The Holidays

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