It Is Time To Spring Clean Your Carpets?
We are all fed up with the bad weather and dark nights of Winter. The muddy shoes, dirt and dust. Being cooped up indoors for what can seem like an eternity. Flus, bugs, infections. The dark days of Winter are not great for the cleanliness of your home or your carpets. Mud, dirt, dust combined with heat and humidity make an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. It Is Time To Spring Clean Your Carpets?
Spring is now almost upon us and the dark days of Winter fading. Spring is a time for new beginnings. The birds are singing, the daffodils are growing, the season of longer, brighter days is heralded. You face the day with renewed hope. You open your curtains and windows wide to let the bright mornings light up your home and then you notice the dirt and dust which Winter has left behind. Time for a spring clean? If you’ve suffered through flus and bugs, walked home through the rain and snow straight onto your carpets, let your pets sleep inside to shelter them from the harsh weather and spent A LOT of time vegging on your sofa in front of your tv then by now you are living in a home infested with germs and bacteria. Don’t let it accumulate any further, call the professionals to spring clean and disinfect your carpets, sofas and even your mattresses. Start the year on the right foot by ridding your home of any dirt, bacteria and allergens which have built up over the winter months. It Is Time To Spring Clean Your Carpets?
A professional carpet cleaning company will deep clean your carpets and sofas, removing dirt and stains but also more importantly removing any harmful bacteria. Professional carpet cleaners use powerful machines which clean deep into the carpet fibres and successfully remove any deep down dirt and bacteria lurking within. If you are concerned about bugs and infections specialist disinfectant carpet cleaning products can be used to kill and remove these. Pet stains and smells will be neutralised. Your carpet will be left clean, fresh, bacteria free and ready to face the year ahead. It Is Time To Spring Clean Your Carpets?
Professional carpet cleaning is very affordable and is a relatively quick procedure with minimal drying times. The machines used by professional carpet cleaners are very powerful. They spray hot water mixed with a specially formulated carpet cleaning solution deep into the carpet fibres. This instantly dissolves dirt and the disinfectant will kill bacteria. The machines have powerful suction motors which then extract all the dirt, allergens, bacteria and 95% of the moisture. It is a very effective method of cleaning to remove deep down dirt and bacteria and is the method recommended and preferred by most carpet manufacturers to not only clean and disinfect your carpet but also to extend the life of the carpet. It Is Time To Spring Clean Your Carpets?
Don’t share your home with dirt and bacteria, call the professionals today and welcome spring with clean, fresh carpets.